Intravenous Vitamin Therapy Drips

Since lack of proper nutrition can delay healing and put you at risk of complications, empower your body to stay strong before and after surgery. Vitamin IV therapy helps to protect your body so you have a swift recovery. IV drips supply your cells with necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids; lowering your risk of complications. Generally, one vitamin IV drip before and after your procedure can create the safe and positive experience you deserve. 

Preparing for your IV treatment


  • Please wear a shirt that can roll-up above your elbow to allow access to your arm.

Hydrate before every IV

  • The more hydrated you are, the more easily accessible your veins are, making for a more comfortable treatment.

Have something to eat

  • Some of the vitamins and minerals can have a temporary blood sugar, and blood pressure lowering effect, which can make you feel lightheaded during or after your IV if you haven’t eaten.

Get moving

  • If we are sedentary right before an IV, our vessels may be more difficult to access.

Allow yourself enough time

  • Give yourself enough time to arrive so you can get comfortable and relaxed prior to your treatment. This will make your experience more enjoyable and effective.

 What to expect during your IV treatment

  • The IV can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 ½ hours depending on the type of IV drip you’re receiving. Please plan to be here for a minimum of 1 hour.

  • During your IV, you may experience coldness, stiffness, and sensation of pressure or tingling from your fingertips, up your arm, and into your chest. You may also taste or smell the vitamins; often they are described as having a metallic quality. These sensations are normal and to be expected. They will resolve immediately following your IV.

  • Let your IV Therapist know right away if you experience any discomfort during your treatment including burning, stinging, aching, or feelings of nausea or lightheadedness. We have many solutions to improve your comfort!

  • The most common IV complication is known as an infiltration, which occurs when IV fluid leaks into surrounding tissues. Infiltration can be caused by dislodgment of the IV needle, most often by patient movement. Although this is a non-serious complication, it is important to keep your arm still during your treatment to prevent discomfort and delay to your treatment.

  • Many people enjoy an immediate feeling of relaxation during their treatment. Your IV should be an experience you enjoy every time, so please let us know what we can do to make your experience the most comfortable.

 What to expect after your IV treatment

  • Many people experience an increase in energy, mental alertness, and overall sense of well-being immediately following their IV treatment. These effects may be subtle or may not be noticed until the next day or days following treatment. You may require several IV treatments before you begin to experience a benefit.

  • Chronic stress, illness, lack of sleep, and poor eating habits can all contribute to nutrient depletion. Without adequate nutrition, metabolism inside our cells becomes sluggish, leading to a buildup of waste product inside the cell. IV therapy delivers high doses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids directly into the blood stream that readily cross cell membranes to “kick start” cellular metabolism. It is therefore normal to experience mild fatigue, headache, nausea, or lightheadedness following your IV treatment. This is especially common after your first few IV treatments as your body works to clear any stored metabolic waste products.

  • You may continue your daily activities, included exercise, following your IV treatment. It is important to continue to stay hydrated and eat regular meals.

  • Minor bruising of the IV site is common and should resolve within the week. If you experience redness, swelling, or pain of your arm or at your injection site, please contact us right away.

If you have any questions or concerns following your IV treatment, please contact our office to speak with one of our IV therapist.


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