

The definition of massage is: The manipulation of the soft tissue of the human body with the hands, arms, elbows, or feet.

The definition of medical massage is: The application of physical medicine by a qualified massage therapist who practices in accordance with the standards of the American Medical Association, the applied physical medicine being deemed medically necessary and ordered by a physician who has diagnosed the patient and provided a treatment plan via prescription.

A therapist that practices a medical based massage uses palpation, active/passive range of motion testing, orthopedic special testing, as well as visual observation to provide a treatment protocol and assess the patient’s progress. The therapist also provides documentation and may communicate with the treating physician and your insurance company. The therapist has had extensive training in these areas above and beyond what is required for state licensing.

Medical Massage is not a general treatment. Rather, Medical Massage Therapy is applied as a specific manual therapy to the areas relating to the diagnoses provided by the primary care physician.

Medical Massage therapy is delivered to an anatomical region of the patient’s body based upon soft tissue and joint exam findings and various other assessment procedures.

Medical Massage treatment plans involve several progressive steps or stages of manual therapy treatment whose goal is to correct abnormal conditions affecting the muscle-skeletal system while reducing or eliminating pain.

Medical Massage adopts the medical terminology, medical techniques and medical protocols used by the traditional allopathic, medical systems of health care.

Other massages are offered here at Epic. And, no, a prescription is not needed for any of them. However, if you are in an auto accident, your physician can write you a prescription for massage and your insurance may reimburse you.

Swedish also can be termed as relaxation massage. Gentle to firm pressure is applied to the body with Bindi premium oil to de-stress your fast paced life so your body’s systems can function optimally.
Therapeutic and deep tissue massage is more focused on pain issues you have. Specific techniques such as myofacial and precision neuromuscular therapy are used to aid in faster repair of the injured or sore tissues

Stress is the number one cause of disease in our country today. Massage is the easiest thing you can do to de-stress and allow your body to relax and return to a state of balance by improving your immune system’s function, staying happy and thinking clearly.

Raindrop Therapy

Raindrop therapy is a method of bodywork on the spine developed by the Lakota Indians. “Modern” raindrop therapy combines an ancient Tibetan technique called “vitaflex”, reflexology and massage strokes applying therapeutic grade essential oils. Raindrop therapy is designed to bring balance to the body and to help align and clear its energy centers, releasing them if blocked without the use of hard pressure or force.

Benefits of Massage

Relaxes muscle spasms and relieves tension and pain. Releases endorphins, the body’s natural pain killer. For this reason, massage is being incorporated into treatment for chronic illness, injury and recovery from surgery to control and relieve pain. Reduces post surgery adhesions and edema; reduces and realigns scar tissue after healing has occurred. Stimulates the lymph system, the body’s natural defense, against toxic invaders. For example, in breast cancer patients, massage has been shown to increase the cells that fight cancer. May burst the fat capsule in subcutaneous tissue (beneath the skin) so that fat can be absorbed. In this way massage can be an aid to dieting, when combined with a nutritious diet. Increases circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs. May also improve muscle tone and prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity. Can also have a sedative or a stimulative effect on the nervous system depending upon the treatment. Relieves pain for migraine sufferers and decreases the need for medication. Increases joint flexibility


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